Hackerspace Gent

we love privacy|we love RFID|we love to hack the gibson|we love RGB|we love retro games|we love good opsec|we love snowden|we love to play|we love mechanical keyboards|we love beer|we love ISO 8601|we love recruiting hackers|we love breaking things|we love **itcoins|we love to hear about your project|we love monads|we love nerds|we love ham radio|we love blinking leds|we love philosophy|we love mesh networks|we love nerds|we love variable rewards|we love r00t|we love blinkenlights|we love bug bounties|we love doing things wrong|we love 中文|we love binary|we love 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001|we love virtual private networks|we love independence|we love rockets|we love datums|we love DIY|we love machining|we love painting|we love reducing data exhaust|we love engineering|we love history|we love curiosity|we love CTFs|we love vim|we love comedy|we love learning|we love internet|we love math|we love  kerning|we love dogs|we love knowledge|we love music|we love board games|we love radio|we love microcontrollers|we love raspberry pi|we love bits|we love neural networks|we love data structures|we love geeks|we love ritalin :p|we love snowden|we love cad|we love synthesizers beep boop|we love lasers|we love responsible disclosure|we love flow|we love graphs|we love bbq|we love pretty lights|we love to hack|we love meeting new hackers|we love DIY books|we love 3D printing|we love access|we love exploring|we love biology|we love unicorns|we love the whole RF spectrum|we love voiding warranties|we love biohacking|we love experimenting|we love fixing things|welove precision|we love learning by doing|we love arduino|we love science|we love geeks|we love distributed computing|we love food hacking|we love cryptography|we love linux|we love space|we love soldering|we love physics|we love electronics|we love science|we love python|we love fuzzing|we love club mate|we love git|we love fellow humanoids|we love creative chaos|we love smoke|we love analog|we love recursion|we love recursion|we love digital|we love NFC|we love bytes|we love happy little trees|we love bit banging|we love open source|we love ASCII|we love 01100001 01110011 01100011 01101001 01101001|we love circuit bending|we love the whole EM spectrum|we love retrocomputing|we love NFC implants|we love minecraft|we love technology|we love cats|we love silent disco|we love teaching by example|we love tinkering|we love tools|we love power tools|we love metasploit|we love tech|we love blockchain|we love action over words|we love a*|we love seamless polymer flooring|we love books|we love machine learning|we love RFID implants|we love chip implants|we love optics|we love anarchy|we love sharing|we love geeks|

A Place To Call Home

Hackerspace Gent (0x20) is a hackerspace in the wonderful city of Ghent, Belgium. It is a physical space run by a group of people dedicated to various aspects of constructive & creative tinkering. This page is an ever growing resource of information about who we are, what we do, and how you can become a part of all the awesomeness.


Don't worry, we won't break into your computer. The hacker culture is a subculture of individuals who enjoy the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming the limitations of current technologies to achieve novel and clever outcomes. The culture consists of, but is not limited to: computing, networking, programming, music, gaming, electronics, lock picking, woodworking, robotics, science fiction... However, the defining characteristic of a hacker is not the activities performed themselves, but the manner in which it is done. A hacker is someone who invents, constructs, learns, shares, trains basic skills and is willing to think outside the box to find a creative solution to a problem.

Note: While we hackers are always aiming to be constructive, there is a group of people who loudly call themselves hackers, but have a different motivation. These are people who get a kick out of breaking into computers for unethical purposes. Unfortunately, some media have been using the word ‘hacker’ to describe people we do not necessarily agree with.

Need help?

Do you want to learn about science, technology and art? Do you have an awesome idea that you need help with? Or do you simply want a place to share your passion? Hackerspace Ghent gives you the space, knowledge and community you need!

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Thursday evening is our social evening. Pop in to see what we're all about, have a chat, work on your projects and make nerdy friends!

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Hackerspace Ghent is built by people just like you. Read the hackerspace blueprint to understand how we work and how you can become part of it..

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What people do
in HSG

Projects born
in HSG

We never wait. We breathe. We pulse. We regenerate. Our hearts beat. Our minds create. Our souls ingest. 37 seconds, well used, is a lifetime.